For Parents
Here are some great resources from the district in regards to internet policies, rules and regulations: Click Here
Here are some great resources from the district in regards to internet policies, rules and regulations: Click Here
Glossary of terms that may be new to some:
Apps are applications used to post media and are accessed primarily through mobile devices. Apps can access the user’s pictures, personal information, and GPS location.
Blogs/Microblogs are personal websites that can serve as journals where a user can post a variety of content authored by the user and authored by others for public viewing.
Cloud Computing, otherwise known as ‘using the cloud,’ requires an Internet connection and is the practice of accessing files across multiple devices over the Internet.
Digital Citizenship is the practice of critical engagement and respectful behavior online, which is demonstrated through the digital content a student posts.
Digital Footprint is determined/defined by an individual’s choice of content to post and profiles made across multiple websites, apps, and other platforms.
Media Sharing Sites are sites where users can store and share content such as video and pictures.
Social Media also referred to as social networking, is a form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share and view information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.
Social Networking Sites are sites where users create and customize their own profiles with music, video, and other personal information in addition to connecting with other users.
Tagging is the practice of identifying and assigning information to a digital artifact such as a website, blog post, photo, video, or article for the purpose of easy identification, organization, aggregation, and searching. Tagging helps users find content they are looking for through across online platforms.
Wikis are websites that allow a user to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others.