Dual Language Academy » Dual Immersion Program Introduction

Dual Immersion Program Introduction

Venice High School, established in 1911, is one of the largest high schools in Los Angles Unified School District (LAUSD), which is the second largest public school district in the country, established in 1963. Our Dual Immersion Academy, established in 2019, stands as the pioneering institution within LAUSD, offering comprehensive Mandarin Dual Immersion courses. As the sole high school providing such a program in the district, it holds a significant position within the educational landscape. We are committed to fostering a rich educational legacy and becoming a beacon of cultural and linguistic diversity.
Encompassing grades 9 through 12, our program boasts a diverse curriculum spanning multiple disciplines, including drama, art, history, literature, and business. This inclusive approach caters to a wide spectrum of students from varied sociocultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds, including Asian American, Hispanic, African-American, and White communities.
Highlighting our calendar are grand cultural celebrations, notably the vibrant Chinese New Year performances that captivate audiences, showcasing the students' talents and dedication. In 2023, our school, in collaboration with Dual Language Immersion programs in K-8 schools in the community, witnessed an astounding turnout, with over 900 families and thousands of students actively participating in the 12th Annual Chinese New Year Celebration and Fundraising event—a testament to our program's resonance within the community.
Equally integral to our ethos is nurturing student leadership. Our committed students drive various councils and clubs, including the Dual Language Council and the Chinese Culture Club, exhibiting their dedication to community engagement and cultural exchange.
Venice High School Dual Immersion Academy's commitment to excellence in Mandarin education, coupled with its emphasis on cultural celebration and student leadership, sets the stage for a promising future. We envision continued growth and innovation, further enriching our students' educational journey and fostering a globally-minded community.
威尼斯高中成立于1911年,是洛杉矶联合学区(LAUSD)内规模最大的高中之一,有着2000多名学生。而洛杉矶学区也是全美第二大的公立学区,成立于1963年。我们的双语沉浸学院成立于2019年,是学区内(LAUSD) 唯一提供双语沉浸式普通话课程的高中。作为该地区仅有的双语中文项目,威尼斯高中双语沉浸学院在社区有着重要的地位。我们致力培育丰富的教育传统,成为多元文化和语言多样性的典范。