School for Advanced Studies & GATE » SAS APPLICATIONS


The School for Advanced Studies

Venice High School's School for Advanced Studies is designed to meet the needs of gifted, talented, and high-performing local and non-resident students. This program is part of our comprehensive school. Students from all over the district may apply, but no applications are necessary for our local students. 
Please let us know of your interest in enrolling at Venice and being a part of the School for Advanced Studies by filling out the following form:

Non-Residents (if Venice is NOT your home school):
Families living within the LAUSD boundary may apply to our School for Advanced Studies program on Late applications for the 2024- 2025 school year are open now but be aware that we have limited availability.
Transportation Application
Transportation services are not provided. Parents are expected to provide transportation.

Eligible students who reside within the LAUSD boundaries may apply. A transfer application will be available at the school of residence and it is submitted directly to the school of choice. Acceptance is based on student eligibility criteria and availability of space.
Demonstrate ability in all four critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in their primary language.  (2) Percentile scores of 85 or above in both total reading and total mathematics on standardized norm-reference tests or Scaled scores on the California Standards Test (CST) as follows:  (3) Identification as gifted in any of the categories (i.e. Intellectual, High Achievement, Specific Academic) by an LAUSD school

  • Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
  • Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
  • Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
  • Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
  • A scaled score of 445 or above in English-Language Arts, grades 2-11


  • A scaled score of 450 or above in mathematics, grades 2-7

  • A scaled score of 450 or above for grades 8 and above in one of the following math content courses: Algebra I or II; Geometry; Integrated Math I, II or III; High School Summative Math.
Application Students who reside within LAUSD boundaries but outside of the Venice boundaries, may apply for an SAS permit.
Students who reside within the Venice boundaries and meet SAS eligibility requirements will be placed in the SAS gifted/talented honors and AP classes by their counselors. No formal application is required for eligible resident students since SAS is the school site's GATE instructional program for non-magnet students.
Ms. Ruth Greene, SAS Coordinator
13000 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066