School for Advanced Studies & GATE » LAUSD SAS Description and Criteria for Admittance

LAUSD SAS Description and Criteria for Admittance

The Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) is an option designed to support and expand Gifted/Talented Programs in schools throughout the District. The Schools for Advanced Studies Demonstration Sites provide high-level academic programs to serve the educational needs of gifted and high achieving learners. The program serves Venice High School students at all grade levels.
The SAS program has been implemented to meet the needs of gifted and talented students throughout the Los Angeles Unified School District. It establishes an articulated program at the elementary school, middle school, and senior high school levels. The Advanced Studies Program is designed to expand student assessment and identification and to offer a differentiated instructional program. Gifted learners perform at remarkably high levels when assessed in comparison with others of their age/grade peers. Highly able learners should receive careful attention and differentiated program planning to ensure that their knowledge and skills are extended. Exceedingly high numbers of gifted and potentially gifted students in the District have resulted in a critical need to expand options for appropriate instructional programs to match their levels of learning.
Students qualify for SAS designation in the following ways:
Student is identified as gifted by an L.A. Unified designated GATE psychologist in the Intellectual Ability, High Achievement Ability, Specific Academic Ability, Creative Ability or Leadership Ability Category. OR
Student received total national percentile scores of 85 or above on a District-approved standardized achievement test in 2020, if applicable. Note: Due to the elimination of the 2019-2020 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), this criterion has been modified for this year only. OR
Student demonstrates the ability to meet ALL FOUR of the critical thinking and problem-solving skills (in primary language):
 Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity. 
Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information. 
Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems. 
Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
Student Outcomes
     • Continuous progress based on ability and performance
     • Accelerated student performance
     • Development of independence and self direction
     • Acceleration in a discipline or across disciplines
     • Increased use of technology for research and multi-media presentations
     • Increased participation in state and national tests and competitions
     • Success in making original contributions to a field of study
     • Early college admission
     • Concurrent enrollment in two grades and/or college
Counseling and Guidance Outcomes
The guidance/counseling process is a product of the collaborative efforts of teachers, administrators, support personnel, specialists, and parents. Everyone who lives or works with the gifted child often serves one or more functions in the guidance/counseling program for maximal effectiveness.
These functions may include: mentor, facilitator, listener, advocate, consultant, instructor, role model, and program coordinator. The guidance/counseling services will be differentiated for the gifted student to include:
Orientation of individual gifts and talents to special programs/services
Information services about giftedness, summer and extra curricular enrichment, scholastic services/scholarships
Placement in program options and educational alternatives