World Languages and Global Studies » Climate Action Project

Climate Action Project

 2021 Climate Action Project

Students in Arabic Two and Japanese Language classes participated in the 2021 Climate Action Project, a six-week exploration and investigation into the issues and solutions arising from human activity creating climate change in the world. 

Week One: Introduction to the United Nations Global Goals/What is Climate

Week Two: Causes and Effect of Climate Change Locally

Week Three: Causes and Effect of Climate Change Globally

Week Four: Solutions: Local and Global

Week Five: Student Exchanges/Webinars with Experts

Week Six: Take Action: Making our Ripple

Climate Action Day: Nov 4, 2021,  8AM EST-2PM EST

climate day
Venice students were chosen to be one of the spotlight schools for the Climate Action Day livestream. Check out our spotlight video here.

Venice Students interview NASA Scientists


Venice High School recognized as one of the
Top 20 Schools in the EarthProject App Challenge
