Gay Straight Alliance » Lavender Graduation

Lavender Graduation

lavanderThe Lavender Graduation Stole is awarded to students who have been active members of the VHS GSA as a recognition for their efforts in promoting equity, diversity and respect. 
To qualify, students must meet the following requirements:
  • Meet the California A-G required courses for graduation.
  • Meet the Venice High Community Service requirements
  • Remain eligible for participation in the graduation ceremony
  • Complete an application certifying the following:
  1.  I have been an active member of the VHS GSA for at least two years.
  2. I have worked in the organization and execution of at least one major VHS GSA project per year. (National Coming Out Day, Blood Drive, AIDS Walk LA, Day of Pink, Day of Silence, Earth Day etc.)        
Do you want to apply for this award?  Be sure to pick up your application in Mr. Terraza's room 223 in the West Building. (If you do not find him there check 16-112.)