Gay Straight Alliance » Links


Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (888) 735-2488;; Email: [email protected]
PFLAG provides culturally and linguistically appropriate support and resources for LGBTQ persons and families
throughout LA County. PFLAG conducts presentations by LGBTQ persons and family members for students, parents and
the community.
ONE Archives Gallery and Museum
ONE Archives Gallery and Museum (213) 741-0094;
The ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives houses the world’s largest research library on LGBTQ heritage, honors the
past, celebrates the present, and enriches the future of all LGBTQ people. ONE is dedicated to collecting, preserving,
documenting, studying, and communicating LGBTQ history, challenges and aspirations. Admission is free.

The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project (866) 4UTREVOR; (866) 488-7386;
The Trevor Project saves lives through the only nationwide, 24-hour suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ youth.

The Stonewall Scholarship
The Stonewall Scholarship - This scholarship–sponsored by the UTLA Stonewall Scholarship Committee and UTLA Gay and Lesbian Issues Committee–helps gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students enhance their self-esteem and stay in school. It also helps educate non-LGBTQ+ people to be more accepting of their peers.
LAUSD Policies and Bulletins - a list
A list of LAUSD Memos and Bulletins to refer to as needed.

A subset of the Office of Human Relations, Diversity and Equity, this page contains many resources from lesson plans, to guides on mental health.