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languageDual Immersion of 9th grade Mandarin Students' Chinese Drama Photo

Welcome to the Dual Language Academy!

We Committed to K12 Dual Immersion Education
Dual immersion program students follow the pathway from kindergarten to Venice High School

Who is Eligible to Attend Dual Language Academy?

All students interested in one of our dual immersion programs are encouraged to apply through the e-Choices application at http://echoices.lausd.net/ .
Note: Students must have 8 years of language courses, or equivalent knowledge, to enter this program. This program is NOT for novice students.
Any student, except for Mark Twain MS's Dual Immersion students, need to pass our assessment before being accepted in either Mandarin or Spanish Dual Immersion program. 
Please contact Ms. Luo [email protected] for further information.
Mandarin Teacher-Ms. Luo
Our Goals:
• Language proficiency in both English & Spanish or Mandarin.
• Academic achievement across content areas.
• Attainment of Biliteracy Seal on students' high school diplomas.
• Successful preparation for 
Advanced Placement exams in Spanish or Mandarin.

Dual Language programs have been proven to:

• Increase overall academic achievement.
• Challenge students to think more creatively &   
• Improve student performance (versus   
   monolingual students) on tasks that call for 
   divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and 
   problem solving
Emily is giving a presentation in Mandarin

What our students say

1. What has your experience been like in the DL program?
 "This class has been giving me more freedom to innovate surprisingly."
10th Grade, DL of Mandarin Student. 
2. What is one thing you guys do that is unique/memorable?
 "The plays we put on are very interesting, we ended up running through scripts and doing some ridiculous things. We also get to use the special Chinese costumes in the final recording. 

9th Grade, DL of Mandarin Student 

Youtube link of Zara's interview
3. Why should students be a part of Dual Language at Venice?
 "I really enjoy the Chinese New Year Potluck. It's a special culture recreation for our American students."
10th Grade, DL of Mandarin studen
 Listen to one of our Spanish Dual Immersion students' interview about her experience from DL program.
"Something unique that we do in this program is cultural aspects. In class we can share our holidays and traditions. It is a way of sharing our future"
DL of Spanish student.