School for Advanced Studies & GATE » School for Advanced Studies (SAS) & GATE

School for Advanced Studies (SAS) & GATE

Our SAS program provides opportunities for gifted and high achieving students to take honors and AP classes as well as explore elective pathways as part of one of our academies. Priority for the Venice High SAS goes to students who live in the Venice area. Students from out of the area may apply for a permit to be part of our SAS, but we have limited spots available for incoming 9th graders. 
There is no application for local Venice SAS students. Any local student may select honors and AP classes provided they feel ready to take on the challenge. A counselor will work with students to review transcripts to ensure they are enrolled in the appropriate classes. We encourage GATE identified students to select honors and AP class so that they are clustered with other GATE students. At this time, 42% of the Venice High population is identified as gifted. 
Venice High School's SAS program is featured in a video produced by LAUSD about SAS - click here to see it!
School for Advanced Studies and 
Gifted & Talented Education Coordinator 