Gay Straight Alliance » About


What's New?

The Gay Straight Alliance is a club where all are welcome. Our chapter is part of the GLSEN Network, and began as an offshoot of the Project X organization, which was started in LAUSD when an Attendance Office Clerk noticed a need - there was a group of students who were missing school often as a consequence of continuous bullying.  To help these students remain safe on campus, this group was chartered as a club, and after many years of lawsuits, this safe space was officially recognized by LAUSD, and was meant to support students. 
In the first year of Project X, there were only a handful of high schools willing to participate, and Venice High was one of them! We have a proud legacy of support for our students at this school, and for the LGBTQIA community, this comes from many teachers who have supported the continuation of this group. 
Although the needs of students has changed since the creation of Project X in the early 80s, many of the needs are still the same. 
Currently, as a safety consideration with COVID, all clubs, including the GSA , must meet outside in an open air space, which highlights both a challenge and a celebration. On the one hand, in the privacy of a classroom, many students who had questions could come in to the classroom at our lunch meetings and ask questions or look for support that they could not do so publicly out of fear.  This is now a challenge for students, as we do not have this "privacy" of space. However, this is also a celebration. Every week, we have a beautiful sign of visibility- we are out(side). There is no better way of educating others of the LGBTQIA issues than through our public existence. 
Students are welcome to join us on Thursdays at lunch in Mr. Terrazas classroom.  
Gondo Pride!
Coming soon!
1. Our Vision Statement
2. Our Mission Statement
3. Our Archives
The following video was presented to students in the Fall of 2021 in support of gender pronouns and student safety as a whole. 