Parent Resources » Meal Application

Meal Application

If not, we urge you to apply for the LAUSD meals program. Participation in the meals program brings many benefits to your family, as well as helps the school receive our share of Federal dollars. Qualifying families receive:
Free college applications
Free admission to SAT and ACT tests
Reduced prices on all AP exams ($5 per exam)
The application also helps Venice to get Title I money—we got over $1,050,000 for students last year! We used the money to pay for additional teachers, counselors, free math tutoring, and technology.
You can fill out the online application here: .
Call 213-241-3185 for assistance.
LAUSD also has Grab ‘n’ Go centers near you for families that may need free, nutritious meals. Families do not need to show ID, simply show up at a Grab ‘n’ Go center and you will be provided with breakfast and lunch each day. Click here for more information on the Grab ‘n’ Go centers:
More Than a Meal
  • MORE Fee Waivers for AP, SAT & ACT’s
  • MORE Health & Wellness Programs
  • MORE After-School Academic & Enrichment Programs
  • MORE Funding for schools to serve our highest-needs students
  • Free/Reduced Healthy Meals
FACT: Here's what Venice pays for with these funds:
  • 3 Counselor positions
  • 2 Teacher positions
  • Multiple support staff
  • Field trips
  • Equipment such as Chromebooks, and much more...
Completing the meal application takes on an additional meaning this year as it not only serves to verify student eligibility for free and reduced-price meal participation—but it also acts as means for identifying our highest-needs students to ensure that we provide them with necessary supports.
It is very important that you fill out the meal application and turn it in by October. Every eligible form counts and means healthy meals for your child and more money for our schools.
The information collected is 100% confidential.
Instructions for On-Line Meal Application:
1) Click on the link above
2) Put in your Zip code
3) Choose “Los Angeles Unified School District”
4) Begin Application
Instrucciones para la Aplicaciòn de Comida gratuita y/o bajo costo en linea:
1) Presine el vìnculo de arriba
2) Ingrese su còdigo postal
3) Escoja la opciòn “Los Angeles Unified School District”
4) Inicie el proceso de aplicaciòn